Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cute School Supplies! Part 1

Well crafters, it's that time of year again. Time to go spend big bucks so you or your kids can have the best-looking folder out there! The cheap folders are always so boring... But not anymore! What follows is a very cheap way to turn those 15 cent folders into a bright picture so cute you'll want to hang it on the wall!
Craft Skill Level Needed: 0
A Note from the Mad Crafter: I used coloring pages for my versions, but this could easily be done with the same process with pictures from magazines or online.

Coloring Books
Folders, spirals, notebooks, etc.
Yarn, pipe cleaners, glitter, etc.
Crafty Glue (By this I mean glue that will dry colored, or has sparkles or shapes in it, etc.)

Color It!
This step is simple, the kids can do it themselves! Simply take a coloring book with their favorite characters in it, and color a picture.

Cut It!
This step should be left to older kids or parents. Cut around the design, with a few centimeters of space around your picture. Don't cut out a box, follow the image. Also, I prefer to round off corners but that's just me! :) When you're done, it should look about like this.

Glue It!
Another easy step!!! Put glue on the back of the picture, but not too close to the edges. I like to leave about half an inch empty, so that the glue from the bottom doesn't come out the sides onto the surface. Make sure you have glue in the center, so the picture is secure, but don't put it on thick anywhere since the picture is thin and could wrinkle.
Next, place the picture on your surface! Gently push all around it, and try to level any mounds left by the glue. (Don't worry about small bubbles or lines, most aren't noticable once the glue dries and flattens.)

Decorate It!
Okay, this is the final step! And another one for older hands. Start with the picture itself! If you are using a glitter glue that dries clear like I did, you may want to accent the picture! (I use this for things like the fireworks, ripples in water, the corners of a brightly colored eye, or things like ice or bubbles or stars!) After that, carefully put the glue on all the edges. The glue stream should be both on the picture and the surface, to provide a good seal. If the edges start sticking up, just glue over them then slide over the edge (without smearing the glue) to flatten the paper. If you are using a decorative glue, or just want to leave it plain with a clear-drying clue, this is the end!!!
NEVER use a glue stick for this part, although it is fine for gluing it onto the paper.
If you are using normal glue and want more, this is where you can place your yarn or ribbon or lace or glitter etc. around the picture! Glue around the picture as described above, then attach your decorations.

 (you can't really see the deco in this pic... sorry)

Enjoy It!
Voila, you have just created a super cheap, super crafty and super cute school supply!!! I'm working on getting more crafty school ideas up here, so check back soon! And remember to tell me what you think of this craft, and how it worked for you!
Happy Crafting!!!!

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